Friday, January 11, 2008

Silent the Keytone

This is a summary of post from Forum Nokia: Turning off key sounds programatically. Code can be added to MyProjectAppUi.cpp.

#include <avkon.rsg>

KeySounds()->PushContextL( R_AVKON_SILENT_SKEY_LIST );

To restore, call KeySounds()->PopContext(). One thing noticed, press LSK hear no keytone. When Options menu is displaying, keytone comes back.

This keytone-silent feature should be useful for games, as players might not want to have keytones during a game play but when normal use of the phone. Pressing the key and hearing the beep-beep-beep-beep is kinda annoying. Of course, the sound engines of game might already prevent the keytone beeping.

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